I wasn't sure what to first write about to start this baby off and then the Ashland Times Gazette dropped a topic in my lap. The area paper did a photo gallery feature this week on the 1969 flood. (Click to be sent to the Times Gazette's photo gallery on the flood.) While I personally was not around for the 1969 flood, that's how my boss, Doug Shannon, got started working for Dick Frye, the founding father of canoeing in Ohio. Fast forward several years and Doug bought the canoe livery from Dick and here we are - getting ready to celebrate our 50th year in business and 50 years of canoeing in Ohio (but that's for a different blog).
Thinking of the July 1969 flood made me want to share some of my pictures and experiences working here during the July 2006 flood. The day started as a very sunny, blue-sky day. By the day's end our lake overflowed into our pond, our cabins were evacuated, and the bridge to our primitive tent sites no longer existed. Here's a picture of our lake with our Super Log cabins in the background.
The people. The number of people that showed up to help still gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes. People just poured (pun definitely intended) in to help us. Some were past employees who worked for Dick Frye or the Shannons many, many years ago. We had employees show up who were scheduled to be off that day. People from Loudonville and the area who had never even worked here before came down to lend a hand. We evacuated everyone from their cabins and campsites and got them to a safe location in our shower house or in town. We moved over 500 canoes, 250 kayaks, and 100 rafts before the river could sweep them away.
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