Thursday, April 14, 2011

Meet Some Mohican Adventurers

It's been suggested several times to me that we need a "meet our employees" page on our website. As much as this sounds like a great idea and a wonderful way for our guests to get to know us a little better, I think the maintaining and updating of 50+ employees is a little more than anyone wants to take on right now. However, I thought I could do a blog introducing some interesting characters you might find around our park.

The first Adventurer goes by the name of "Tom". He's an allusive creature and you must always be on the lookout for him, especially if he's on a golf-cart. Tom is known for driving around the park on the golf-cart with no hands (see picture right). Tom is one of several work campers that live here in our park. He and his wife, Bettye, are two of the nicest and most caring people you could ever know. Tom opens and closes our regular season with leading the worship service on Memorial and Labor Day weekends. Bettye can often be found reading a book or greeting our campers on their arrival. When they're not working they enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Tom is an ornery Adventurer, always trying to find more efficient and out of the box ways of getting things done. Here he is trying to take a short cut across the park by crossing the creek and nearly taking his ride off the waterfall. See what I mean about him on the golf-carts?

The next man is known around our area for 2 things... wieners and mushrooms. He is a wild beast, uncontrollable by most standards. This time of the year you can normally find him running loose in the woods, hunting morels. Here he is shown with his sidekick, my dad, preying on a pack of mushrooms. In case you don't recognize him, this Adventurer goes by the name "Melvus de Wienerus Wagonick" or "Mel of the Wiener Wagon". You can find him selling hot dogs, chips, and drinks outside of the canoe livery office. He's always up for a laugh and offers "service with a smile".

The last two Adventurers are quite possibly the most amazingly beautiful and wonderful creatures ever created. They are unique, imaginative, and, okay, down right silly. In all honesty, we were very bored and very hyper when we made this video. But to share the good times and laughter, here is a video that shows you what exactly you can expect when coming to our park. :)

LYRICS: We will, we will...
check you in, take you to your site,
tuck you in and say goodnight.
Put you in the front, put you in the back (RV sections).
Have you heard about, our Fun Pack?